Friday, March 18, 2011

MANTRA (a cellular poem)

Awakening is a color
the silence an aroma
the embrace a song for my soul

Awakening is a color
the silence an aroma
the embrace a song for my soul

Awakening is a color
the silence an aroma
the embrace a song for my soul

-peace and poetry-
2011 English version of Mantra 2008
to be read by CELL-PHONE, as part of Adrian project
"Poemas Celulares/Cellular Poems"
translation by Nina Serrano and Adrian Arias
As part of "OLMECA" @ de Young Museum poetry reading
March 18, Koret Auditorium
@ The Independent, April 1st
as part of Rupa & The April Fishes concert
Benefit for Voice of Roma