Wednesday, July 29, 2009

((( I open a box and...)))

I open a box and find the dissected wing of a bird…
I don’t remember having put it there …
I open another box and out comes your voice…
but how is it possible to hear your voice after so many years …?
I open another box and find my complete collection of spinning tops...
now I remember that I never had a spinning top collection…
I open another box and there is a sweet perfume
my grandmother’s aroma in the day she died…
I open another box and there is my first tooth…
no, it is my daughter’s first tooth...
I open another box and all the bills I haven’t paid appear…
next to all the money I had lost…
I open another box and a mirror sends back my own face…
It looks at me with curiosity… and i open this box
and found a piece of stone from the cosmos

This is the moving of my dreams the moving of my heart
the moving of my milk teeth
the moving of skin of pills of slaps of kisses
the moving that I swallow without chewing
that lives exhausted
and awakens every time I open a box.

-peace and poetry-
Translation by Nina Serrano

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